Travel Resources

These websites have been helpful to us when planning our walking tours in Europe.

 European Hotel Accommodations
Find, compare and book accommodations in hundreds of cities throughout Europe. Includes customer reviews which are helpful. Also, your credit card is used only to guarantee your room and will not be immediately charged for the full room rate.

European Train Schedules
This German railway website gives the most detailed options for rail travel in Europe, even for out-of-the-way destinations. Should you choose to purchase tickets, we recommend that you contact your travel agent or book through the website listed below.

Purchase European Train Tickets
Use Rail Europe to reserve seats and purchase tickets on most European trains.

Currency Exchange Rates
Convert Euros to Dollars at the touch of a button.

European Weather
Lists monthly high and low temperatures throughout Europe (in celsius).

Travel Insurance
Travel insurance provided by Travel Guard including single trip, annual and ski insurance.